Four Reasons Why Using Dating Apps Are Bad For Your Mental Health

Dating apps might not be as great as you think. There’s always the promise of love, but are dating apps the solution you’re looking for? If you’re not quite ready to delete all the apps and swear off dating altogether, consider the ways dating apps can cause stress and lower productivity, as well as how they are associated with body image issues, depression, and lower self-esteem which will not be enough to play at real money casinos Australia.

Dating Apps Can Cause Stress and Anxiety

According to a study conducted by Western Sydney University, using dating apps can lead to increased feelings of stress and anxiety. The study surveyed 475 people over the age of 18 and found that those who used dating apps had significantly higher rates of psychological distress, anxiety, and depression, which will not let you be in the mood for playing any games from mobile casino online.

One popular dating app that has been linked to increased stress and anxiety is Tinder. Over time, the constant swiping and matching in this and similar apps can lead to feelings of pressure and disappointment, especially if matches don’t lead to successful relationships.

Dating Apps Can Lower Your Productivity

Not only can dating apps cause stress and anxiety, but they can also lower your productivity. A study published in the journal Computers & Education found that for college students, the frequency of technology use was negatively related to academic performance.

Although it wasn’t strictly limited to dating apps, this study engaged over 483 students and found a significant correlation between technology usage in general and lower grades. In practice, the constant notifications and urge to swipe frequently on dating apps can be distracting and pull you away from important tasks like schoolwork, your job, or other personal relationships.

Dating Apps Are Associated With Body Image Issues

Because you are constantly presented with images of “ideal” partners, dating apps are also associated with body image issues. A study published in the journal Eating and Weight Disorders—Studies in Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity found that regular use of dating apps can lead to increased body dissatisfaction and negative body image, especially for men.

The study surveyed nearly 200 college students and found that frequent checking of dating apps was positively correlated with body shame and negative beliefs regarding the weight and shape of participants’ bodies.

In the study, those who used dating apps were more likely to compare their appearance to others and reported feelings of dissatisfaction with their bodies. While the authors of the study don’t make a causal conclusion, it is worth recognizing the connection.

Dating Apps Are Associated With Lower Self-Esteem

Dating apps can also lower your self-esteem. A 2017 study in Body Image suggests using popular dating apps makes you more likely to feel negative about yourself than people who don’t use dating apps.

The research, titled “Love Me Tinder: Objectification and Psychosocial Well-Being,” concluded that users had significantly lower levels of satisfaction with their faces and bodies. In addition, male Tinder users scored significantly lower on self-esteem than men who didn’t use Tinder.

Again, it’s important to note that this research does not conclude that dating apps cause lower self-esteem since the correlation could include people who use dating apps and have lower self-esteem to start with. However, the study does conclude that using dating apps increases the likelihood that you’ll internalize appearance ideals and compare yourself to others.