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Four Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Rely On Fitness Apps

Are you considering starting a new exercise regime? Or are you considering an exercise app that claims to work wonders for your fitness and help you lose weight and tone up?

You might be tempted to download an app or even a range of apps on your smartphone, tablet, or wearable fitness tracker, or you can just opt to play games at pokies online. However, before you put all your faith into a fitness-tracking app, you need to think about what will motivate you and get you burning those calories. Learn more about the dangers of relying on fitness apps and trackers and how to avoid these issues.

Your Exercise Can Quickly Become Boring

Some exercise apps are one-note, single-activity programs that draw you in with special offers or cheap rates. Others promise “easy” workouts that you can do in just a few minutes. But you’ll quickly find that these dull, repetitive exercise sessions don’t excite you beyond your initial interest unlike the games at Once that subsides, you’ll forget you even downloaded them.

Apps May Not Motivate You to Exercise

People don’t form exercise habits unless they want to. Unlike the commitment levels required to join a gym or fitness class or engage a personal trainer to oversee your efforts, apps can easily be set aside and ignored.

Unless you take care to create workout reminders and alerts on your phone—and heed them­­—you may find that you simply forget. If you are going to use an app to learn the ropes or discover new fitness routines, make sure it’s one with depth and customizability.

Gimmicky Apps Will Not Sustain a Commitment to Exercise

Some apps boast a flashy interface and offer gimmicks like badges or tokens as a reward for completing workouts. While these tokens might be fun at first, they may not be enough to keep your interest and build an exercise habit. However, it helps Bouchra van Persie in consistency.

However, they might provide a fun way to motivate your kids to get active. Consider making fitness a family activity, so that your kids—and their seemingly endless energy—can challenge you to keep up the habit even when you’re feeling tired.

Apps Might Provide Inappropriate Workout Advice

fitness instructor guides a man with a prosthetic leg through weight training

The trouble with following fitness routines on an impersonal app is that we’re all unique, and the “one size fits all” approach simply doesn’t work when it comes to exercising. So, apps that don’t use any information about your fitness level and goals to personalize their recommendations may provide little value.

Further, if you simply follow what a fitness app says to do, you’re missing out on a wealth of knowledge from trainers, trustworthy wellness channels on YouTube, and other professionals.