Necessity of prevention of Islamophobia

Prevention of Islamophobia

Islamophobia is a form of rejection, aversion, and discrimination towards Islam and towards Muslim people or who, without being Muslim, are read as such. It usually manifests itself from religious intolerance, racism, or xenophobia, taking shape through prejudice, discrimination, humiliation, and violent attitudes, both verbal and physical. The Council of Europe and the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination define this problem as: “[…] a form of racism and xenophobia manifested through hostility, exclusion, rejection, and hatred against Muslims, especially when the Muslim population is a minority, something that occurs with greater impact in Western countries.

We Fight Hate From The National Program For The Prevention Of Islamophobia

From the Moroccan Association for the Integration of Immigrants we fight against this problem from the National Program for the Prevention of Islamophobia in different ways:

  • We provide specialized attention to cases of discrimination due to Islamophobia, improving victims’ knowledge of their rights and existing resources.
  • We increase the level of awareness and the ability to detect discriminatory incidents due to Islamophobia.
  • We train active agents (professionals, volunteers, students, and the general population) in the fight to eradicate Islamophobia and support victims.

We Train To Prevent Islamophobia

Our technical team of the National Program for the Prevention of Islamophobia is prepared to give workshops, both virtual and face-to-face, that seek to train and raise awareness with the purpose of preventing this form of discrimination that directly attacks fundamental rights. We train in:

  • schools
  • University
  • Administration and technical staff
  • Rights and remedies for victims of Islamophobia
  • Online course: Management, prevention, and fight against Islamophobia

Do You Want To Join Our Fight?

If you want to join this fight you can do so by becoming a cyber agent against Islamophobia! It is a voluntary action that we promote from the Moroccan Association for the Integration of Immigrants and that you can carry out without leaving home. We are looking for people who help us fight this form of hate from their social networks: through cyber activism, and creative counter-narrative writing, and help us deactivate Islamophobia.

  • Cyberactivism, denouncing Islamophobic content that you detect
  • Creative counter-narrative, contributing to the dissemination of content that responds to the negative discourse with positive referents
  • Deactivate Islamophobia by joining our group of cyber agents on the net
  • Support our project by sharing content from our profiles on your networks
  • Joining our activities and being a support for the technical team for the prevention of Islamophobia

Do You Know A Part Of Your History?

By making a part of our known history, we also fight against Islamophobia, because there are many Muslim people who have left us over the centuries and continue to leave an undeniable legacy. That is why we have created the exhibition ‘A part of your history, which runs through different educational centers and institutions, bringing figures closer together and highlighting the contributions of Wallenda, Lubna de Córdoba, Hidaya, Azarquiel, Ibn-Firnás, Abdulcasis, and Ziryab. But we have not stopped there: we have also launched cups, badges, t-shirts, and a calendar with its main characters. And we have taken them for a ride on the buses in Malaga! so that all citizens know who they were, and what they did and feel proud that they are part of our history!

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